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发布时间:2016-03-03  |  查看次数:[]

    郁继华,二级教授,博士生导师,现任干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室主任。长期致力于蔬菜栽培生理与品质调控、农业废弃物循环利用与非耕地开发等方面的教学和科研工作。建立了以日光温室为载体,有机基质无土栽培技术为核心的“戈壁农业”标准化生产技术体系,在蔬菜逆境生理方面取得多项突破,在推动非耕地可持续利用和蔬菜高品质栽培方面做出了重要贡献。先后入选第七届国务院学科评议组成员、国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系岗位科学家、甘肃省拔尖领军人才等。主持完成国家重点研发计划等项目30余项,获省部级科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖7项;在《Advances in Agronomy》等知名期刊发表论文300余篇。
2021.12-至今 省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,主任/教授
2011.06-2021.12 suncitygroup太阳新城,副董事长/教授
2010.09-2011.05 suncitygroup太阳新城,董事长助理/教授
2004.01-2010.09 suncitygroup太阳新城农学院,经理/教授
1999.07-2003.12 suncitygroup太阳新城园艺系,主任/教授
1991.07-1999.07 suncitygroup太阳新城园艺系,副主任/副教授
1983.07-1991.07 suncitygroup太阳新城园艺系,讲师
1. 国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组,成员
2. 农业农村部专家指导组,成员
3. 中国农学会,理事
4. 中国园艺学会,常务理事
5. 甘肃省现代丝路寒旱农业蔬菜产业专家团队,组长
6. 甘肃省园艺学会,荣誉理事长
7. 甘肃省第八届农作物品种审定委员会主任委员会,副主任委员
1. 研究生:《高级蔬菜栽培学》、《园艺植物栽培与管理》、《园艺学研究前沿》。
2. 本科生:《设施蔬菜栽培学》、《设施园艺学》、《蔬菜栽培生理学》。
1. 蔬菜逆境生理与生长调控
2. 蔬菜栽培生理与品质调控
1. 瓜菜新品种选育及高品质栽培技术研究与示范,获2021年甘肃省科学技术进步一等奖,排名第1;
2. 西北非耕地园艺作物栽培基质优化配制技术与产业化示范,获2017年甘肃省科学技术进步一等奖,排名第1;
3. 河西走廊荒漠区日光温室蔬菜生产关键技术集成与示范推广,获2012年甘肃省科学技术进步二等奖,排名第1;
4. 设施园艺无公害生产关键技术研究与示范,获2010年甘肃省科学技术进步二等奖,排名第1;
5. 蔬菜无公害生产技术集成与示范,获2006年甘肃省科学技术进步二等奖,排名第1;
6. 节能日光温室蔬菜高产高效优质新技术研究与示范,获2001年甘肃省科学技术进步二等奖,排名第1;
7. 新型节能日光温室设计建造技术研究与推广,获2004年甘肃省科学技术进步三等奖,排名第1;
8. 西甜瓜反季节优质高效栽培技术研究与示范,获2003年甘肃省科学技术进步三等奖,排名第1;
9. 保护地蔬菜无土栽培技术推广应用,获1994年甘肃省科学技术进步三等奖,排名第1;
10. 黄瓜杂优一代研究与应用,获1991年甘肃省科学技术进步三等奖,排名第1;
11. 蔬菜集约化育苗技术研究与示范,获2014年甘肃省农牧渔业丰收一等奖,排名第1;
12. 玉米秸秆基质化循环利用技术研究与示范,获2015年甘肃省高等学校科研优秀成果一等奖,排名第1;
13. 甘肃河西走廊荒漠区日光温室蔬菜无公害生产技术集成与示范,获2012年甘肃省高校科技进步奖一等奖,排名第1;
14. 蔬菜无公害生产技术集成与示范,获2006年甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖,排名第1;
15. 高效节能日光温室蔬菜标准化生产技术研究与推广,获2000年甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖,排名第1;
16. 设施蔬菜有机生态型栽培技术体系研究与示范项目,获2012年甘肃省农牧渔业丰收奖二等奖,排名第1;
17. 新型节能日光温室设计建造技术研究与推广,获2002年甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖,排名第1;
1. 干旱生境作物水分高效利用种质创新与调控技术研究,甘肃省科技重大专项,1000万,主持,在研
2. 甘肃省拔尖领军人才培养项目,人才培养,300万,主持,在研
3. 陇中半干旱区种养废弃物肥料化循环利用蔬菜提质增效技术创新与集成示范,甘肃省教育厅“双一流”科研重点项目,165万,主持,在研
4. 戈壁日光温室耐寒蔬菜品种引进筛选与示范,现代丝路寒旱农业科技支撑项目,60万,主持,在研
5. 番茄关键品质性状形成的调控网络构建,中央引导地方科技发展专项,110万,主持,在研
6. 西北干旱区露地蔬菜化肥农药减施技术模式建立与示范,国家重点研发计划,550万,主持,结题
7. 西北非耕地园艺作物栽培基质优化配制技术与产业化示范,公益性行业专项,1903万,主持,结题
8. 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系岗位科学家,现代农业产业技术体系,650.75万,主持,结题
9. 瓜菜新品种选育及高品质栽培技术研究与示范,甘肃省科技重大专项计划,650万,主持,结题
10. 玉米秸秆基质化循环利用技术研究与示范,甘肃省科技重大专项计划,40万,主持,结题
11. 设施园艺无公害生产关键技术研究与示范,甘肃省科技重大专项计划,30万,主持,结题
12. 外源硅缓解基质栽培黄瓜自毒作用的机理研究,国家自然科学基金,40万,主持,结题
13. 铵态氮对高寒地区娃娃菜根系生理和氮素效率的调控机理研究,国家自然科学基金,50万,主持,结题
14. 蔬菜集约化育苗技术研究与示范,甘肃省农业科技攻关项目,60万,主持,结题
15. 硫化氢和一氧化氮增强黄瓜幼苗耐盐性的机制研究,国家自然科学基金,35万,主持,结题
1. Li Jin, Ning Jin, Shuya Wang, Jinwu Li, Xin Meng, Yandong Xie, Yue Wu, Shilei Luo, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Changes in the microbial structure of the root soil and the yield of chinese baby cabbage by chemical fertilizer reduction with bio-organic fertilizer application[J]. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022, 10(6): e01215-22.
2. Kai Zhang, Jihua Yu*, Yan Ren. Research on the size optimization of photovoltaic panels and integrated application with Chinese solar greenhouses[J]. Renewable Energy, 2022, 182, 536-551.
3. Shouhui Wei, Jian Lyu, Lijuan Wei, Bojie Xie, Jinmei Wei, Guobin Zhang, Ju Li, Chengfei Gao, Xuemei Xiao*, Jihua Yu*. Chemometric approaches for the optimization of headspace-solid phase microextraction to analyze volatile compounds in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)[J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2022, 167: 113842.
4. Ning Jin, Li Jin, Shuya Wang, Xin Meng, Xianglan Ma, Xianxia He, Guobing Zhang, Shilei Luo, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. A Comprehensive evaluation of effects on water-level deficits on tomato polyphenol composition, nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity[J]. Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 1585.
5. Zeci Liu, Huiping Wang, Jian Lv, Shilei Luo, Linli Hu, Jie Wang, Lushan Li, Guobin Zhang, Jianming Xie, Jihua Yu*. Effects of plant hormones, metal ions, salinity, sugar, and chemicals pollution on glucosinolate biosynthesis in cruciferous plant[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 856442.
6. Jian Lyu, Ning Jin, Xin Meng, Li Jin, Shuya Wang, Xuemei Xiao, Zeci Liu, Zhongqi Tang, Jihua Yu*. Exogenous silicon alleviates the adverse effects of cinnamic acid-induced autotoxicity stress on cucumber seedling growth[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 968514.
7. Yuting Ma, Linli Hu, Yue Wu, Zhongqi Tang, Xuemei Xiao, Jian Lyu, Jianming Xie, Jihua Yu*. Green light partial replacement of red and blue light improved drought tolerance by regulating water use efficiency in cucumber seedlings[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 878932.
8. Lijing Yang, Yue Wu, Xiaomin Wang, Jian Lv, Zhongqi Tang, Linli Hu, Shilei Luo, Ruidong Wang, Basharat Ali, Jihua Yu*. Physiological mechanism of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid improved the tolerance of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis L.) to cadmium stress[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 845396.
9. Xianxia He, Zilong Wan, Ning Jin, Li Jin, Guobin Zhang, Jian Lyu, Zeci Liu, Shilei Luo*, Jihua Yu*. Enhancement of cucumber resistance under salt stress by 2, 4-epibrassinolide lactones[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1023178.
10. Yutong Li, Jizhong Ma, Xueqin Gao, Jianzhong Tie, Yue Wu, Zhongqi Tang, Linli Hu*, Jihua Yu*. Exogenous brassinosteroids alleviate calcium deficiency-induced tip-burn by maintaining cell wall structural stability and higher photosynthesis in mini Chinese cabbage[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 999051.
11. Yandong Xie, Jinwu Li, Li Jin, Shouhui Wei, Shuya Wang, Ning Jin, Junwen Wang, Jianming Xie, Zhi Feng, Guobin Zhang, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Combined straw and plastic film mulching can increase the yield and quality of open field loose-curd cauliflower[J]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9: 888728.
12. Shuya Wang, Ning Jin, Li Jin, Xuemei Xiao, Linli Hu, Zeci Liu, Yue Wu, Yandong Xie, Wen Zhu, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Response of tomato fruit quality depends on period of LED supplementary light[J]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9: 833723.
13. Junwen Wang, Hong Yuan, Yue Wu*, Jihua Yu*, Basharat Ali, Jing Zhang, Zhongqi Tang, Jianming Xie, Jian Lyu, Weibiao Liao. Application of 5-aminolevulinic acid promotes ripening and accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites in postharvest tomato fruit[J]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9: 1036843.
14. Xueqin Gao, Jizhong Ma, Jianzhong Tie, Yutong Li, Linli Hu*, Jihua Yu*. BR-mediated protein S-nitrosylation alleviated low-temperature stress in mini Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis)[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23, 10964.
15. Zhaozhuang Li, Zeci Liu, Zhibin Yue, Jie Wang, Li Jin, Zhiqi Xu, Ning Jin, Bo Zhang, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Application of exogenous silicon for alleviating photosynthetic inhibition in tomato seedlings under low−calcium stress[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(21): 13526.
16. Xuemei Xiao, Ju Li, Jian Lyu, Zhi Feng, Guobin Zhang, Haixing Yang, Chengfei Gao, Li Jin, Jihua Yu*. Chemical fertilizer reduction combined with bio-organic fertilizers increases cauliflower yield via regulation of soil biochemical properties and bacterial communities in Northwest China[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 922149.
17. Ning Jin, Li Jin, Shuya Wang, Jinwu Li, Fanhong Liu, Zeci Liu, Shilie Luo, Yue Wu, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Reduced chemical fertilizer combined with bio-organic fertilizer affects the soil microbial community and yield and quality of lettuce[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 863325.
18. Zeci Liu, Huiping Wang, Jie Wang, Jian Lv, Bojie Xie, Shilei Luo, Shuya Wang, Bo Zhang, Zhaozhuang Li, Zhibin Yue, Jihua Yu *. Physical, chemical, and biological control of black rot of brassicaceae vegetables: A review[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 1023826.
19. Kai Zhang, Jihua Yu*, Yan Ren. Demand side management of energy consumption in a photovoltaic integrated greenhouse[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022, 134: 107433.
20. Yue Wu, Jing Li, Junwen Wang, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Weibiao Liao, Xin Meng, Hong Yuan, Jianming Xie, Zhongqi Tang, Jian Lyu, Jihua Yu*. Heme is involved in the exogenous ALA-promoted growth and antioxidant defense system of cucumber seedlings under salt stress[J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22: 329.
21. Jian Lyu, Li Jin, Xin Meng, Ning Jin, Shuya Wang, Linli Hu, Guobin Zhang, Yue Wu, Shilei Luo, Jihua Yu*. Exogenous Si mitigates the effects of cinnamic-acid-induced stress by regulating carbon metabolism and photosynthetic pigments in cucumber seedlings[J]. Agronomy, 2022, 12, 1569.
22. Shuya Wang, Xin Meng, Zhongqi Tang, Yue Wu, Xuemei Xiao, Guobin Zhang, Linli Hu, Zeci Liu, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Red and blue LED light supplementation in the morning pre-activates the photosynthetic system of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) leaves and promotes plant growth[J]. Agronomy, 2022, 12, 897.
23. Jie Wang, Zeci Liu* Jianhua Dou, Jian Lv, Ning Jin, Li Jin, Zhaozhuang Li, Bo Zhang, Zhongqi Tang, Jihua Yu*. A comparative study on the nutrients, mineral elements, and antioxidant compounds in different types of cruciferous vegetables[J]. Agronomy, 2022, 12(12): 3121.
24. Bojie Xie, Qian Wu, Shouhui Wei, Haiyan Li, Jinmei Wei, Medhia Hanif, Ju Li, Zeci Liu, Xuemei Xiao*, Jihua Yu*. Optimization of headspace solid-phase micro-extraction conditions (HS-SPME) and identification of major volatile aroma-active compounds in Chinese chive (Allium tuberosum Rottler)[J]. Molecules, 2022, 27, 2425.
25. Shilei Luo, Zhongqi Tang, Jihua Yu*, Weibiao Liao, Jianming Xie, Jian Lv, Zeci Liu, Alejandro Calderón‑Urrea. Hydrogen sulfide inhibits cadmium‑induced cell death of cucumber seedling root tips by protecting mitochondrial physiological function[J]. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2022, 41(8): 3421-3432.
26. Guobin Zhang, Zeyu Zhang, Shilei Luo, Xia Li, Jian Lyu, Zeci Liu, Zilong Wan, Jihua Yu*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the cucumber PP2C gene family[J]. BMC Genomics, 2022, 23: 563.
27. Lushan Li, Hui Zhang, Xiaohong Chai, Jian Lv, Linli Hu, Jie Wang, Zhaozhuang Li, Jihua Yu*, Zeci Liu*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the MYC transcription factor family and its response to sulfur stress in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.)[J]. Gene, 2022, 814: 146116.
28. Medhia Hanif, Bojie Xie, Shouhui Wei, Ju Li, Chengfei Gao, Rui Wang, Shahbaz Ali, Xuemei Xiao*, Jihua Yu*, Abdulrahman Al-Hashimi, Marian Brestic. Characterization of the volatile profile from six different varieties of Chinese chives by HS-SPME/GC–MS coupled with E. NOSE[J]. Journal of King Saud University–Science, 2022, 34: 101971.
29. Xuemei Xiao, Ju Li, Jian Lyu, Linli Hu, Yue Wu, Zhongqi Tang, Jihua Yu*, Alejandro Calderón-Urrea. Grafting-enhanced tolerance of cucumber to toxic stress is associated with regulation of phenolic and other aromatic acids metabolism[J]. PeerJ, 2022, 10: e13521.
30. Xueqin Gao, Yali Qiao, Jian Lyu, Xuemei Xiao, Linli Hu*, Jihua Yu*. Genome-wide identification of the PYL gene family and expression of PYL genes under abiotic stresses in Chinese cabbage[J]. Biologia Plantarum, 2022, 66: 322-332.
31. Shouhui Wei, Xuemei Xiao, Lijuan Wei, Lushan Li, Guichen Li, Fanhong Liu, Jianming Xie, Jihua Yu*, Yuan Zhong*. Development and comprehensive HS-SPME/GC–MS analysis optimization, comparison, and evaluation of different cabbage cultivars (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) volatile components[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 340: 128166.
32. Xin Meng, Shilei Luo, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Xueqin Gao, Shuya Wang, Jianming Xie, Zhongqi Tang, Zeci Liu, Yue Wu, Li Jin, Jian Lyu*, Jihua Yu*. Exogenous silicon enhances the systemic defense of cucumber leaves and roots against CA-induced autotoxicity stress by regulating the ascorbate-glutathione cycle and photosystem II[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 227: 112879.
33. Na Liu, Jinwu Li, Jian Lv, Jihua Yu*, Jianming Xie, Yue Wu, Zhongqi Tang*. Melatonin alleviates imidacloprid phytotoxicity to cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through modulating redox homeostasis in plants and promoting its metabolism by enhancing glutathione dependent detoxification[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021 217: 112248.
34. Yue Wu, Na Liu, Linli Hu, Weibiao Liao, Zhongqi Tang, Xuemei Xiao, Jian Lyu, Jianming Xie, Alejandro Calderón-Urrea, Jihua Yu*. 5-Aminolevulinic acid improves morphogenesis and Na+ subcellular distribution in the apical cells of Cucumis sativus L. under salinity stress[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 636121.
35. Junwen Wang, Jing Zhang, Jing Li, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Basharat Ali, Yue Wu*, Jihua Yu*, Zhongqi Tang, Jian Lyu, Xuemei Xiao, Linli Hu, Jianming Xie. Exogenous application of 5-aminolevulinic acid promotes coloration and improves the quality of tomato fruit by regulating carotenoid metabolism[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 683868.
36. Shuya Wang, Hua Fang, Jianming Xie, Yue Wu, Zhongqi Tang, Zeci Liu, Jian Lv*, Jihua Yu*. Physiological responses of cucumber seedlings to different supplemental light duration of red and blue LED[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:709313.
37. Ning Jin, Li Jin, Shilei Luo, Zhongqi Tang, Zeci Liu, Shouhui Wei, Fanhong Liu, Xiaoqiang Zhao, Jihua Yu*, Yuan Zhong*. Comprehensive evaluation of amino acids and polyphenols in 69 varieties of green cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) based on multivariate statistical analysis[J]. Molecules, 2021, 26, 5355.
38. Zeci Liu, Huiping Wang, Jianming Xie, Jian Lv, Guobin Zhang, Linli Hu, Shilei Luo, Lushan Li, Jihua Yu*. The roles of cruciferae glucosinolates in disease and pest resistance[J]. Plants, 2021, 10, 1097.
39. Lushan Li, Hui Zhang, Xiaohong Chai, Shouhui Wei, Shilei Luo, Huiping Wang, Jian Lv, Jihua Yu*, Zeci Liu*. Transcriptome and proteome conjoint analysis revealed that exogenous sulfur regulates glucosinolate synthesis in cabbage[J]. Plants, 2021, 10, 2104.
40. Linli Hu, Yue Wu, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Weibiao Liao, Jian Lv, Yutong Li, Jihua Yu*, Jianming Xie, Zhi Feng, Guobin Zhang, Alejandro Calderón‑Urrea. Appropriate ammonium/nitrate mitigates low light stress in Brassica pekinensis by regulating the nitrogen metabolism and expression levels of key proteins[J]. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2021, 40: 574-593.
41. Li Jin, Jian Lyu*, Ning Jin, Jianming Xie, Yue Wu, Guobin Zhang, Zhi Feng, Zhongqi Tang, Zeci Liu, Shilei Luo, Jihua Yu*. Effects of different vegetable rotations on the rhizosphere bacterial community and tomato growth in a continuous tomato cropping substrate[J]. PLoS ONE, 2021, 16(9): e0257432.
42. Jian Lyu, Yue Wu, Xin Jin, Zhongqi Tang, Weibiao Liao, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Linli Hu, Jianming Xie, Jihua Yu*, Alejandro Calderón-Urrea. Proteomic analysis reveals key proteins involved in ethylene-induced adventitious root development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)[J]. PeerJ, 2021, 9: e10887.
43. Bingqiang Wei, Paul W. Bosland, Zhenghai Zhang, Yongfu Wang, Gaoyuan Zhang, Lanlan Wang, Jihua Yu*. A predicted NEDD8 conjugating enzyme gene identified as a Capsicum candidate Rf gene using bulk segregant RNA sequencing[J]. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7:210.
44. Xuemei Xiao, Jian Lv, Jianming Xie, Zhi Feng, Ning Ma, Ju Li, Jihua Yu*, Alejandro Calderón-Urrea. Transcriptome analysis reveals the different response to toxic stress in rootstock grafted and non-grafted cucumber seedling[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21, 774.
45. Jian Lyu, Li Jin, Ning Jin, Jianming Xie, Xuemei Xiao, Linli Hu, Zhongqi Tang, Yue Wu, Lijuan Niu and Jihua Yu*. Effects of different vegetable rotations on fungal community structure in continuous tomato cropping matrix in greenhouse[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11:829.
46. Shilei Luo, Zhongqi Tang, Jihua Yu*, Weibiao Liao, Jianming Xie, Jian Lv, Zhi Feng, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda. Hydrogen sulfide negatively regulates cd-induced cell death in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) root tip cells[J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 480.
47. Yutong Li, Yue Wu, Weibiao Liao, Linli Hu, Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Xin Jin, Zhongqi Tang, Jianjun Yang, Jihua Yu*. Nitric oxide is involved in the brassinolide-induced adventitious root development in cucumber[J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 102.
48. Shilei Luo, Alejandro Calderón-Urrea, Jihua Yu*, Weibiao Liao, Jianming Xie, Jian Lv, Zhi Feng, Zhongqi Tang. The role of hydrogen sulfide in plant alleviates heavy metal stress[J]. Plant and Soil, 2020, 449: 1-10.
49. Yali Qiao, Xueqin Gao, Zeci Liu, Yue Wu, Linli Hu*, Jihua Yu*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of SRO gene family in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.)[J]. Plants, 2020, 9, 1235.
50. Mohammed Mujitaba Dawuda, Weibiao Liao, Linli Hu, Jihua Yu*, Jianming Xie, Alejandro Calderón-Urrea, Yue Wu, Zhongqi Tang. Foliar application of abscisic acid mitigates cadmium stress and increases food safety of cadmium-sensitive lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) genotype[J]. PeerJ, 2020, 8: e9270.
51. Jian Yu, Jihua Yu*, Weibiao Liao, Jianming Xie, Lijuan Niu, Guobin Zhang, Jian Lv, Xuemei Xiao, Yue Wu. Ethylene was involved in Ca2+‑regulated Na+ homeostasis, Na+ transport and cell ultrastructure during adventitious rooting in cucumber explants under salt stress[J]. Journal of Plant Biology, 2020, 63: 311-320.
52. 马玉峰, 周忠雄, 李雨桐, 高雪琴, 乔亚丽, 张文斌, 颉建明, 胡琳莉*, 郁继华*. 氮素水平及形态对娃娃菜根系特征及生理指标的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(2): 378-389.
53. 肖雪梅, 马宁, 李菊, 王瑞, 胡琳莉, 武玥, 郁继华*. 自毒胁迫对黄瓜砧穗种子萌发和抗氧化特性的影响[J]. 中国蔬菜, 2022(9): 22-29.
54. 高程斐, 李菊, 王瑞, 吴倩, 李录山, 吕剑, 张国斌, 肖雪梅*, 郁继华*. 不同种类农药对松花菜小菜蛾防治效果、产量及品质的影响[J]. 中国瓜菜, 2022, 35(5): 90-95.
55. 汪洁, 李兆壮, 金宁, 金莉, 吕剑, 郁继华*, 刘泽慈*. 不同大白菜品种矿质元素含量评价[J].中国瓜菜, 2022, 35(12): 47-52.
56. 魏百弘, 张文斌, 铁建中, 高程斐 肖雪梅, 吕剑, 胡琳莉*, 郁继华*. 日光温室土壤消毒处理对番茄产量和品质的影响[J].中国瓜菜, 2022, 35(10): 64-68.
57. 张文斌, 魏百弘, 铁建中, 胡琳莉, 吕剑, 冯致*, 郁继华*. 氮素形态对基质栽培娃娃菜品质的影响[J].suncitygroup太阳新城学报, 2022, 57(6): 97-104.
58. 王俊文, 武玥*, 郁继华*, 张婧, 颉建明, 冯致, 唐中祺, 刘晓奇, 李 晶, 钟源. 外源ALA促进番茄糖酸品质及挥发性物质含量的作用研究[J]. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(5): 973-986.
59. 吕剑, 李金武, 郁继华*, 颉建明, 冯致, 张国斌, 刘娜, 王俊文. 不同地表覆盖方式对松花菜土壤温度、产量和水分利用的影响[J]. 核农学报, 2021, 35(8): 1941-1951.
60. 夏伦港, 赵雅楠, 任成斌, 张也, 李嘉靖, 李雯琳, 胡琳莉*, 郁继华*. 荧光探针检测娃娃菜组织钙离子的条件优化[J]. 植物生理学报, 2021, 57(4): 963-968.
61. 孟鑫, 吕剑, 罗石磊, 于健, 李金武, 刘泽慈, 朱文, 郁继华*, 唐中祺*. 不同营养液浓度对日光温室番茄果实品质的影响[J]. 中国蔬菜, 2021, 10: 85-90.
62. 茹朝, 吕剑, 唐中祺, 金宁, 金莉, 郁继华*. 不同有机基质栽培方式对番茄果实矿质元素含量的影响[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2021, 49(7): 142-146.
63. 金宁, 吕剑*, 郁继华*, 颉建明, 金莉, 张国斌, 冯致. 外源硅对PEG渗透胁迫下黄瓜种子萌发及相关基因表达的影响[J]. 园艺学报, 2020, 47(1): 41-52.
64. 吕剑, 金宁, 郁继华*, 金莉, 张国斌, 肖雪梅, 胡琳莉. 基质栽培黄瓜生长、产量及品质对不同灌水下限的响应[J]. 干旱地区农业研究, 2020, 38(5): 107-115.
65. 李耀霞, 郁继华*, 张国斌, 吴洮男. 灌水上限和施肥量对温室番茄生长发育的影响[J]. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(2): 42-51.
66. 张洋, 郁继华*, 唐中祺, 于健, 罗石磊, 王舒亚. 不同时段株间补光对日光温室番茄产量及品质的影响[J]. 江苏农业学报, 2020, 36(2): 430-437.
67. 王舒亚, 徐威, 唐中祺, 王鹏, 景涛. 刘琪, 马正宇, 吕剑*, 郁继华*. 不同补光时长对日光温室西葫芦生长、品质及产量的影响[J]. 中国瓜菜, 2020, 33(4): 23-27.
68. 李晶, 郁继华*, 武玥, 唐中祺, 刘泽慈, 吕剑. 不同小果型西瓜品种品质评价[J]. 中国瓜菜, 2020, 33(11): 61-67.
69. 金宁, 肖雪梅*, 郁继华*, 金莉, 武玥, 吕剑,唐中褀, 闫晓花. 不同品种番茄果实矿质元素含量评价[J]. suncitygroup太阳新城学报, 2020, 55(4): 76-84.
70. 吕剑, 郁继华*, 张国斌, 金宁, 唐中祺 张婧, 张潇丹. 外源硅根施对连作基质栽培黄瓜生长生理的影响[J]. suncitygroup太阳新城学报, 2020, 55(5): 121-128.
71. 金莉, 肖雪梅*, 郁继华*, 金宁, 吕剑, 乔亚丽, 茹朝, 闫晓花. 营养液浓度对基质栽培番茄果实矿质元素含量的影响[J]. suncitygroup太阳新城学报, 2020, 55(2): 76-82.
72. 王瑞, 马姣艳, 吴倩, 王文会, 石院平, 金宁, 金莉 ,肖雪梅*, 郁继华*. 不同时段补光对日光温室番茄果实中矿质元素积累的影响[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2020, 48(19): 125-129.
73. 高雪琴, 唐中祺, 罗石磊, 于健, 吕剑, 胡琳莉, 郁继华*. 日光温室不同栽培方式对番茄产量及品质的影响[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2020, 48(14): 163-166.
1. 《园艺概论(第二版)》,科学出版社,副主编
1. 一种日光温室辣椒育苗基质及其制备方法,CN102211966A,第一完成人;
2. 一种辣椒无土栽培基质及其制备方法,CN102408273A,第一完成人;
3. 一种日光温室用采光面,CN205382636U,第二完成人;
4. 辣椒叶片中类胡萝卜素组分的提取及其含量的定量检测方法,CN105717209A,第二完成人;
5. 一种复合结构日光温室墙体,CN105325217A,第二完成人。
1. 农业废弃物基质化利用 牛(羊)粪处理技术规程,DB62/T2737-2016,第一完成人;
2. 农业废弃物基质化利用 玉米(棉花)秸秆处理技术规程,DB62/T2738-2016,第一完成人;
3. 农业废弃物基质化利用 菌渣处理技术规程,DB62/T2739-2016,第一完成人;
4. 农业废弃物基质化利用 玉米秸秆与牛粪混合处理技术规程,DB62/T2740-2016,第一完成人;
5. 农业废弃物基质化利用 栽培基质复配技术规程,DB62/T2741-2016,第一完成人;
6. 高原夏菜 青花菜生产技术规程,DB62/T1984-2016,第一完成人;
7. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 栽培槽和滴灌系统设置规程,DB62/T2037-2011,第一完成人;
8. 日光温室黄瓜、西葫芦基质育苗技术规程,DB62/T2039-2011,第一完成人;
9. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 基质制备技术规程,DB62/T2038-2011,第一完成人;
10. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 黄瓜生产技术规程,DB62/T2044-2011,第二完成人;
11. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 西葫芦生产技术规程,DB62/T2042-2011,第二完成人;
12. 日光温室番茄、辣椒、茄子基质育苗技术规程,DB62/T2041-2011,第二完成人;
13. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 甜瓜生产技术规程,DB62/T2047-2011,第二完成人;
14. 日光温室西瓜、甜瓜基质育苗技术规程,DB62/T2040-2011,第二完成人;
15 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 茄子生产技术规程,DB62/T2046-2011,第二完成人;
16. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 番茄生产技术规程,DB62/T2043-2011,第二完成人
17. 日光温室蔬菜基质栽培 辣椒生产技术规程,DB62/T2045-2011,第二完成人。

上一条:左存武 下一条:杨江山



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